We are...
an Agile product and software development company keen at identifying customer needs/opportunities and aligning our team's 25+ years project management, engineering, fabrication, enterprise software development and configuration skills and experience to create imaginative solutions.
We dynamically create innovative new products and software solutions to license (B2B) to our customers…
We are...
trained & certified or degreed experts in all of the following disciplines:
in the Atlanta area of the state of Georgia…A premier hub for transportation & commerce with access to every imaginable supplier & service, Atlanta is the perfect place from which to conduct our operations & access the business partners we serve…
We are...
an Agile product and software development company keen at identifying customer needs/opportunities and aligning our team's 25+ years project management, engineering, fabrication, enterprise software development and configuration skills and experience to create imaginative solutions.
We dynamically create innovative new products and software solutions to license (B2B) to our customers…
We are...
trained & certified or degreed experts in all of the following disciplines:
- Aerodynamics
- Aeromechanics
- Aviation
- Commercial concrete
- Electrical
- Electronics
- Facilities management
- Hydraulics
- Hydrodynamics
- Mechanical engineering
- Pneumatics
- Project management (Agile, analysis, Critical Chain, design, development, DevOps, implementation, Lean, Scrum, testing, Theory of Constraints)
- Refrigeration
- Service management
- Software development (EDW, gel script, MySQL, NSQL, SQL, XML, xog)
- Thermodynamics
in the Atlanta area of the state of Georgia…A premier hub for transportation & commerce with access to every imaginable supplier & service, Atlanta is the perfect place from which to conduct our operations & access the business partners we serve…

Click image to read more about Jay on Linkedin
of Innovating Dynamics were formally organized in 2004; but its name, associates, IP, products, and services date back to 1993.
Jay Blackman – President of Innovating Dynamics, has been formally designing, engineering, prototyping, & managing large scale projects for 25 years…
"It has been my life-long dream to build a successful business (around my passion for inventing & working with mechanical things) that: Honors God, meets people’s needs, makes a difference, & has a broad commercial footprint. We look forward to partnering with you…Jay"
relationships on character and integrity are the foundation of who we are as individuals and as a company – these are the people you’re partnering with, not products or services.
While we solidify great relationships with our customers via continued support throughout the process; we are also very passionate about what we do because it is the fruit of our talents, gifts, & abilities!
Jay Blackman – President of Innovating Dynamics, has been formally designing, engineering, prototyping, & managing large scale projects for 25 years…
"It has been my life-long dream to build a successful business (around my passion for inventing & working with mechanical things) that: Honors God, meets people’s needs, makes a difference, & has a broad commercial footprint. We look forward to partnering with you…Jay"
relationships on character and integrity are the foundation of who we are as individuals and as a company – these are the people you’re partnering with, not products or services.
While we solidify great relationships with our customers via continued support throughout the process; we are also very passionate about what we do because it is the fruit of our talents, gifts, & abilities!
We believe the Holy Bible is the [Holy Spirit] inspired & infallible Word of God & His guide for how we should live...With approximately 2,500 prophecies, 2,000 of which have already come to pass, the Bible's origin & infallibility are irrefutable...
We believe there is ONLY ONE true God that exists, as three persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit (Trinity)...Each distinct, yet one with each other...We believe God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), & omnipotent (all powerful)...
We believe ALL men were created by God, in His image; but separated from Him by our sin...We believe the only way to reconcile our relationship with God is by accepting His free gift of salvation through grace & by believing in Jesus Christ & that He is the ONLY Way, Truth, & the Life of the Father...
We believe Jesus Christ was immaculately conceived & born of a virgin; He was God in the flesh (the Son of God), He lived a sinless human life & performed many miracles, He sacrificed Himself on the cross to pay the debt for our sins, He was resurrected after three days in the grave, He ascended to Heaven shortly thereafter & is seated at the right hand of God, & He will return someday to reign forever!
We believe God indwells all believers as the Holy Spirit & never leaves us...We believe the Holy Spirit is our guide & counselor for living, understanding, growing, & doing what is right - as evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit...
We believe our [genuine] salvation is secure & eternal & by the grace of God - can not be lost...
We believe we (believers) will exist eternally in Heaven with God!
We believe the Holy Bible is the [Holy Spirit] inspired & infallible Word of God & His guide for how we should live...With approximately 2,500 prophecies, 2,000 of which have already come to pass, the Bible's origin & infallibility are irrefutable...
We believe there is ONLY ONE true God that exists, as three persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit (Trinity)...Each distinct, yet one with each other...We believe God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), & omnipotent (all powerful)...
We believe ALL men were created by God, in His image; but separated from Him by our sin...We believe the only way to reconcile our relationship with God is by accepting His free gift of salvation through grace & by believing in Jesus Christ & that He is the ONLY Way, Truth, & the Life of the Father...
We believe Jesus Christ was immaculately conceived & born of a virgin; He was God in the flesh (the Son of God), He lived a sinless human life & performed many miracles, He sacrificed Himself on the cross to pay the debt for our sins, He was resurrected after three days in the grave, He ascended to Heaven shortly thereafter & is seated at the right hand of God, & He will return someday to reign forever!
We believe God indwells all believers as the Holy Spirit & never leaves us...We believe the Holy Spirit is our guide & counselor for living, understanding, growing, & doing what is right - as evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit...
We believe our [genuine] salvation is secure & eternal & by the grace of God - can not be lost...
We believe we (believers) will exist eternally in Heaven with God!